Book a courier

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Specify route
Shipment type

Please select type
If you are planning to shop from Polish sellers with delivery to Ireland, use our services and send your parcels directly to our warehouse. The service is intended for parcels of standard size and weight up to 50kg, which are sent by online sellers to our warehouse in Poland. This service does not apply to furniture, pallets, RTV, household appliances and bicycles. The price is calculated based on the sum of the weight.
Click below to select a route:
or use the side panel.
Shipping is subject to individual pricing.
For a quote, please contact the office after placing your order.
{{ insuranceAmount }}
Usługi dodatkowe
    Podaj łączną kwotę pobrania za przesyłki.
    Proszę podać numer konta, na które zostaną przelane środki z przesyłki pobraniowej. Pamiętaj, aby konto miało odpowiednią walutę, ponieważ przelewy między kontami w różnej walucie zostaną przewalutowane.
+ individual pricing
From: {{ trans( }}
To: {{ trans( }}
{{ offer.service_name }}

+ individual pricing
Forgot your password? Click here

By registering you will receive {{ points }} points for this order in our Loyalty scheme.
Loyalty scheme is not available to businesses.
Find out more
For registration, use the data:
Your account will be automatically registered after placing an order if you enter the password.
  • Warehouse
    Punkt z obsługą
    Parcel locker
{{ trans('Znajdź adres') }}
Loading, please wait... Brak punktów na wskazanym obszarze.
Loading, please wait... Zwiększ zoom na mapie aby wyświetlić szczegóły punktów na wskazanym obszarze.
{{ trans('Ładowanie, proszę czekać...') }}
{{ trans('Ładowanie, proszę czekać...') }}
To facilitate address location, you can provide its EIRCODE. This field is optional. If you don’t know it, proceed to fill in the remaining address fields.
Contact information
Pickup date from sender in {{ senderCountry.code == 'IE' ? 'Ireland' : 'Poland' }}*
REMEMBER! You will receive the exact day on which the courier will arrive by e-mail after determining the route. The message is sent 1-2 days before arrival.
Invoice details
** - provide the company name and/or firstname and lastname
Contact information